Majdanek gas chamber, Ashes of cremated victims, znasz to z Lublina? IdeaFresh - Trwa 3m 16s s.


Majdanek gas chamber, Ashes of cremated victims.


Liczba odsłon 15223, ocena otrzymana 21.


Czas trwania: 3m 16s


- Poznaj komentarze innych osób, lub zobacz i sam dodawaj, podziel się z innymi swoim zdaniem.
- Majdanek Homicidal gas chambers = 0 .  Official current data drastically reduces the old stories by hundreds of thousands.
The most recent figure (78,000) was given in 2005 by Tomasz Kranz, director of the Research Department of the State Museum at Majdanek. That number is close to the one currently indicated on the museum's website.
When will they revise the six million?
- WTF is this stupid music for this place of hell?!
- It's a matter of historical record that there were no gassings at Dachau, your grandfather was lying to you.
- The title says gas chambers but I saw no gas chambers in the video, only cremation ovens, do people honestly believe that cremation ovens signify a crime
- what a happy place to be :D
- Siiiccck! I feel sorry for those people
- You're deranged. BTW unless those "day rooms you claim to have witnessed in that particular US prison are also air tight they couldn't be used for gassing, as the gas would escape, in addition to letting outside air in. Sounds like you should have been sent to a psychiatric facility instead so that you could receive care for your paranoid delusions.
- Oh, really. I'd like to see proof of that if you're so fucking confident about it.
- You are an idiot
- over 850,000 pairs of shoes that walked their own paths ...sadness
- Yeah,very sad!!....
- How come you went to the prison?....How did you feel when you walked in there?.....My real mother went to the jail 17 times and prison 3 times for the bank robbed,drugs,drug dealer,stole the clothes at the mall and more when she was so young until I found her and saved her last 1992. Of course,I am adopted. She thanked me for that. She is doing fine and be normal.....she takes care of my 93 years old grandma now....
- Gas chambers were introduced as a 'more efficient' method of extermination. Bullets were simply not able to kill enough people. Read your history books, especially Adolph Eichmann's biography. He recalls Hitler's 'delight' when Eichmann told him of his 'fantastic' new method.. Yes, very sad. :-(
- In the US prison I was in, they had a trapdoor hole in the celings of all the day rooms, where they could drop in tear gas, or poison gas, or whatever death dealing gas they wanted. Something far worse, more lethal, and more effective than Zyklon B to be sure. You could look up and see it. If you didn't know where it was, someone would point it out to you. It was a SHTF hole, for in case times got tough and the US citizens rioted, the first thing they'd do is kill off all the prisoners.
- There are six camps that historians believe were extermination camps. Dachau isn't one of them, However, towards the end of the war, many people in Dachau died from disease such as typhus, albeit it wasn't intentional. Nevertheless, although Dachau wasn't an extermination camp, it was still tragic.
- As a grandson of a former majdanek prisoner, I can't be more disturbed by your comment.
- 79 000 people / 6 000 000 and we don't count all russians and europeans resistants... There were extermination camps every where or somebody is lying...
- bwahahaha, ROFLMAO, these scenes make me laugh uncontrollably, Whenever I feel blue, I go to one of these sites for a really belly laugh. funny as all hell, who could possibly believe this crap, is beyone reason. Its scientifically impossible not to mention beyond common sense, if germans had wanted jews dead they would have simply put a bullet into each of their heads, just like the russian jews did to the christians , all 100 million of them.
- People were not burned there. Corpses of people who died from disease or natural causes or later in the war starvation wre burned to prevent the3 spread of disease. Buryal was not possible ue to marshy ground and pollution of the water table.
- For people who died of starvation or cholera when the allies deliberately bombed supply routes to the camps for food and medicine in order to get good photos for the Jewsmedia and the invention of the holocaust. There were NO gas chambers.