Lies, damned lies, and Statistical Mechanic on Majdanek, znasz to z Lublina? zapraszamy do obejrzenia i komentowania. Trwa 10m 23s s.


Lies, damned lies, and Statistical Mechanic on Majdanek.


Liczba odsłon 560, ocena otrzymana 14.


Czas trwania: 10m 23s


- Poznaj komentarze innych osób,, podziel się z innymi swoim zdaniem.
- 8:07 This image is not from Majdanek. It is the fault of the book which you have gotten it from.

6:37 Also you do know this was the rear of B&D 2 after liberation right? How would the soviets know of such construction? it seems that your 1960's photograph was nothing more then another construction of the soviets.
- Illuminati set out to plunder Germany's patents and cut a deal with Japan who plundered 14 of it's neighbors. Everyone is looking for the buried treasure, Gold Warriers, is the book by Sterling and Peggy Seagraves. All PM's since WW2 are from Yakuza. The Black Eagle Trust is the entity responsible for the loot from the theft of WW2. 163 tunnels contain trillions in precious metals and it is buried in the Phillipines - CIA controlled island of Corrigidor.
- Excellent video!
Thank you for exposing Statistical Mechanic's mendacity and complete ignorance of the subject matter. Believe it or not this very same intellectual lightweight was recently seen boasting about being a professional historian on the RODOH forum (one wonders if SM found his "degree" inside a cereal packet or ordered it online from Bangladesh?).
By working completely contrary to the scientific method to suit his own preconceived notions about Majdanek Statistical Mechanic has shown himself to be both morally and intellectually bankrupt.
- Good voice.