David McCalden's Majdanek: The Holocaust Revisited part 3, znasz to z Lublina? http://boroborkowski.pl/. Trwa m s s.


David McCalden's Majdanek: The Holocaust Revisited part 3.


Liczba odsłon 7178, ocena otrzymana 37.


Czas trwania: m s


- Poznaj komentarze innych osób, lub zobacz i sam dodawaj, podziel się z innymi swoim zdaniem.
- So I guess the testimonies of survivors, SS guards.German officials and local eye-witnesses don't mean anything. Don't forget all the documentation that has been recovered that clearly describes what happened at the Aktion Reinhard camps, as well as the other larger camps. Especially those signed by Himmler himself. Better yet, why would they try to destroy evidence if nothing was going on?
- Anyone know where i can get part 1 and 2 as youtube seems to have 'LOST' them.
- the jews dislike this..hahahaha...hohoho-holohoax
- This guy is seriously so demonstrably ignorant. He has no historical awareness at all; he's just wandering around a place trying to be skeptical and sound intelligent. There's nothing forensic: he just makes assertions with no evidence at all. Oy oy oy, these goyisha anti-Semites.
- Vids are excellent and thankfully captured at a time where investigation of the actual sites was possible. The instrumental music at the 1st few moment - at the beginning, is almost hypnotic and I really need to know where it came from. The artist and title. Please.
- when the us and "allies" started their expansion into taking over Asia's exports. "WE" woke the sleeping giant. when the "allies" sided with the murderous Stalin Russian-Jewish oligarchs. "WE" woke the sleeping giant. but these were the "allies" Hitler warned you about. history will show, he was right.
- just like the exodus. no physical evidence. did the Nazi destroy the leaving of Egypt too? unleavened bread? guess the love to suffer.? or pretend to suffer. much like they do with the expansion into Islam territories. provoke, whine... 
- I only hope that when this creature McCalden drops dead he goes to the Majdanek in hell. Lets see how he feels about things then.
-  The real numbers of killed people should be subject of investigations. We sometimes forget there were not only 6 million Jews killed during the war but also great numbers of people we forget to mention.Those people are resposible for the higher claims  of victims. We now only watch jews and forget ALL Russian and Polish people and the unknown numbers of Gypsies and the completely FORGOTTEN Jenisch People who also were gassed!
- Oy Vey ! Da Holocaust ! Please feel sorry for me! I was gassed 4...no...6 times ! Oy Vey!
 und das Übel Dr. Mengala made soap out of me 6....no no ! 10 times!!!
Und ich had mit tattoo removed 3 ,,,no 5 times! Oy Vey !
- Anyone who posts a comment without letting his comment be commented on should be shot.

It used to be that if someone lies on a public forum: you could call them out and tell them they're liars.  Not anymore.  Now people post lies on public forums with impunity.

Now youtube has changed its options for comments.

There is no freedom of speech or expression on youtube anymore you dumb fucking idiots.  Your freedoms have been taken from you and one of them is the freedom to answer some lying scum when they post their filth and hate and lies on a youtube forum/\.

This now has opened the floodgates of the worst,;lowest most hate filled scum on earth to post their filth here on youtube: and never have to face justice for their hate crimes.  Just like the Allies and Churchill that  drunken shill: that paid stooge never had to pay for killing eight million innocent civilians who were not involved in the war.
Anyone who posts a comment without a reply buttons is automatically a propagandist.  If you do not put a reply button on your comment you are a fucking IDIOT who is taking away your own freedom of speech.  By taking away OTHER people's freedom of speech to respond to you: you fucking morons:  You take away YOUR OWN freedom of speech ALSO

The reseachers who debunked the hollow hoax have been hounded and black balled and smeared and demonized and chased out of public view anmd the tons of lies and filth keep on piling up as the jew propaganda machine sells this to every new generation that is born.  Political laws have now been passed making anychallenging of this myth ILLEGAL.  This censorship of free speeach is not just in the courts: you fucking morons: its in your everyday lives and its happening in youtube also.  Wake the fuck up and stop censoring your own freedom of speech you fucking retards.

At least let the DIFFERENCE between someone who is not afraid to post a comment and wants to hear from others: and someone who does NOT want any response to their fucking hate and filth and lies because they only want to spew their propaganda shit OUT without it being challenged be the LINE drawn in the sand between honest people and lying sick scum who hide in anonymity; posting their  diseased shit WITHOUT A REPLY BUTTON.

But noooo! You fucking paranoid assholes are so in fucking love with your fucking anonymous secrecy that you prefer posting shit without a reply button!  Well let me tell you one thing. He who lives by secrecy also DIES by secrecy.  The NSA and the CIA are not the only evils in the world.  The world is now filled with you fucking secretive hiding little scum who are so paranoid about other human beings you can't look at yourself in the mirror.
- thanks for uploading
it's time we reinvestigate this whole happening
there are to many things that don't add up
i have watched many revisionist videos with a very critical eye
it doesn't add up
there is just to much evidence proving the contrary to popular opinion
i hope i live to see the truth come out
this has intrigued me for years
- It's a known fact that the Auschwitz museum has decreased the number of people killed at the camp from 4million to 1.5 million. I once believed in the 6 million figure, then I did some research and educated myself on basic mathematics and physics and realized that the numbers, logic and common sense doesn't add up. "Holocaust for dummies" is an interested documentary for anyone is open minded. It's appox. 4hrs long so you'd have to watch it in portions. It goes over details surrounding how long it would take one body to be cremated, to outdoor burning and outdoor "mass graves" and other things such as building design, video testimony's from survivors, and even uses books written by "experts". I don't deny millions of people died during ww2, but I question the integrity of certain numbers media has portrayed. 
- What a shameful pack of lies and distortions this video presents! People were herded into buildings and showered with hot water. This would then make the process of gassing more effective because it would open the pores of the skins making the gas penetrate easier. Virtually everything else in this lame video is easily refuted.
- don`t sell yourself short sunny boy the irony is that here you have a bunch of lying krauts all saying "oh mummy look the jews are lying again" are you too stupid to realise that if you try and exterminate or masasacre a people - of course they`re going to exaggerate - wouldn`t you - oh no - you wouldn`t because you`re a perfect ayran - by virtue of the fact that you merely sweep all your shit undre the carpet and then expect people to go along with your bullshit well fuck that shit goebbles
- by research i take it you mean "the burden of proof is on cunts like you" or perhaps you mean the nazi approach to research - which as we all know means bashing people over the head in dark alleyways well you know where you can stick your jack boots don`t you adolf - right up your bloody arsehole
- oh there you are prick head - not deleted this comment yet then ? i`ll tell you something you slippery little rat - you go around saying how childish other people`s comments are all the bloody time how childish and immature of you is that you stupid great dork and mind your own fucking business in future as well
- Photo/vid of crema's chimney smoke? None. Photo/vid of gassing? None. Any real testimony? None. Only fake and lies. How many survivors? Many. Our and their childrens deserve the thruth.
- to believe in the holocaust is testimony of your gullibility. With everything the revisionists revealed there's really no reason to cling on the holohoax, it's simply an absurd phantasmagoria.