exposing the truth...

► Business Email: team@durtedom.com ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/durtedom ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/durtedom ► Casandra's Video: https://youtu.be/dr7UPURIXzI ► Edited by: @tylerthedrip - hih
- The texts you show don't prove anything man because you're not realizing that when she sent that text she might not have realized yet you hooked up with her. In her mind she partied, blacked out at some point, and then got taken home. So yeah the next morning if she's still oblivious to the fact you guys hooked up she's going to send a text thanking you for inviting her and her friends over to party. Because she isn't aware yet of how her night really ended. She isn't mentioning that it was ok you guys slept together, she's literally just thanking you for inviting her over and the events leading up to her blacking out.
- I don’t feel like he ever took responsibility. He kept saying “we,” you’re the scumbag who was in the room with the girls. David’s apology video was better and more sincere.
- Durte Dom got done dirtyy. After hearing the girls speak I realized it wasn’t r*** the girls were ashamed of their own consensual actions and their remorse led to anger at others and Dom is an easy target. The girl obviously expected more. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Dom keep ur head up, chalk this up to the price of doing business.
- When you didn't know this existed bc you don't keep of the tiring drama anymore: confusion
- Aren’t you little jealous !
Cause You are not a part of vlog squad anymore!
Deep down you most certainly are.
And this video ! What’s that all about! Let me tell you,nothing more than a petty one ☝️
You did it,you made YOU and for sure you ENJOYED IT!
This video makes no sence!
Say all you want !
- “Letting the girls out” just sounds awful
- I mean he was at least honest and did show text messages and gave the truth but obviously I’m still disappointed
- Your ember embarrassing yourself at this point this isn’t even funny
- You just want views
- So is he innocent or guilty? Someone explain please.
- Awesome!
- That hairline running faster than them girls in your future
- I literally forgot about all this bull. The girls he fucked w all went for a reason ☠️ why TF is this still getting talked about when they agreed to go to over to have a 3 sum or 4 sum or whatever tf . They shoulda never showed up in the first place
- at the end ya know when he was trying to fake cry he gets a massive change of pace it seems like a differnet story then he told
- Jesus said to him, " I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." [ John 14:6]
- If some people don't even know u and hate u, then u dabest
- Dom’s hairline is stressin!